Translation Agency Jezabel specializes in translations from/to Bulgarian to the official EU languages, as well as translations from/to Bulgarian to other languages in the following areas:
Specialized areas of translation
The Agency carries out certification of documents in all government departments, agencies and institutions:
We guarantee the quality of our services, because:
Privacy Statement
The privacy policy of Translation Agency Jezabel is to meet customer needs by providing products with guaranteed quality and continuous improvement of the process efficiency within the quality management system.
To increase the quality of the end product, Translation Agency Jezabel understands the implementation and maintenance of the quality management system in the company as a continuous process of improving the efficiency of processes related to the performance of translations. Our main objective is to build long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with our customers by constantly striving to more fully understand and meet their needs and requirements. In carrying out its activities, we abide by the requirements of the relevant rules and regulations, including standard EN 15038:2006.
Translation forms the main part of our work. Finding a translator is only a portion of the organization in any order. To make clear the purpose of translation and depending on it, to assess the text requirements in order to comply with its specific features, to assemble a team of translators and proofreaders, to compare factual data in target versus source test, to implement style editing - all of these are complementary conditions indispensable for performing a well-adapted and quality piece of translation.
Based on these steps, we offer several categories of translation:
Certification and legalization of documents
In addition to translation, our integrated service includes all necessary certifications and/or legalization of your document at all state institutions and embassies in Bulgaria.
The terms for legalization of documents vary from 1 to 14 working days depending on the documents, the longer being the term for documents issued by educational institutions.
Documents to be served abroad shall be issued in accordance with bilateral treaties between countries and the "Rules of legalization, certification and translation of documents and other papers" of Directorate "Consular Relations" at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Important information
Translation and legalization of documents certifying education/studies
Translation Agency Jezabel offers an integrated service for translation and legalization of documents abroad and the Republic of Bulgaria with the aim of applying for secondary and higher education, extension and alignment of education, job applications, etc.
In order to be legalized in the Republic of Bulgaria, documents issued by foreign institutions must bear the appropriate certification by the State issuing the document. Legalization is not required for documents issued by the countries with which Bulgaria has entered into a Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance, namely their documents are exempt from legalization;
Documents are translated in a translation agency in the Republic of Bulgaria, which has a contract with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but translation made abroad is not recognized.
Whenever the document is issued by a state that is party to The Hague Convention or a Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs certifies the signature of the translator.
Whenever the document is issued by a state which is not party to The Hague Convention or a Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall certify both the translator’s signature and the document.
To legalize a document:
Our service includes:
After certification by the Consular Department, the document is valid for submission to the authorities in the relevant country. Terms are consistent with the terms of certifying bodies. Prices are consistent with fees and duty stamp of certifying bodies.
Localization is translation and adaptation of brochures, advertising articles, menus, subtitles and other written materials, web pages or software programmes, while maintaining the source style characteristics and taking into account the culture, customs and accepted terminology in accordance with local cultural, market and conceptual resources.
Localization is a complex process of translation, transcription and interpretation of source material and requires precise coordination of several complex processes that involve multiple resources and technical skills of professionals in various fields.
Translation Agency Jezabel" can offer you many years of experience in the field of localization and adaptation.
Other services: