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  • When do you need translation of documents?Open or Close

    You need translation of documents from Bulgarian into foreign language when: applying for a job or studying abroad, marriage abroad, certification of various personal facts and data in front of foreign authorities, etc. Conversely, translation of foreign documents into Bulgarian is required when: equalizing education acquired abroad, marriage to a foreign national, certification before the Bulgarian authorities of various personal facts and data that occurred abroad, etc.

  • When is it necessary to make consular certification in a foreign embassy?Open or Close

    Consular certification in a foreign embassy is made only after your documents have already been translated and legalized. Usually it is necessary at the explicit request of foreign authorities to verify the fidelity of documents translated. Consular certification in a foreign embassy is also required if you perform translation and legalization in Bulgaria of a photocopy of a document acquired abroad, for example, if you want to legalize your Hungarian birth certificate in Bulgaria.

  • Why translation and legalization are performed by a licensed agency?Open or Close

    Translation and legalization are performed by a licensed agency, because it has sworn translators approved and registered at the Consular Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has a valid contract with the Consular Section for document legalization. Only a licensed agency can legally prepare your documents.

  • What is the difference between legal (official) and legalized translation?Open or Close

    Legal (official) translation is made by a sworn translator on a letterhead of a licensed translation agency, which bears his/her signature and the agency seal. Legalized is any translation that, in addition to complying with the above requirements, is certified by the relevant state institutions and legalized by the Consular Section at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an instance of last resort.

  • Is it necessary to prepay document translation and legalization of documents?Open or Close

    It is preferable that the cost of legalization be paid in full and the cost of translation be pre-paid. If you become our regular customer, prepayment for our services may be discarded.

  • Why are there different prices of translation services?Open or Close

    There are no uniform prices for translation and legalization. The costs of translation services differ depending on the agency that delivered the translation and vary depending on the difficulty of the target language and the speed of translation. However, price rates are not always determined by the quality and speed of service. Sometimes translators themselves impose payment conditions, especially if it comes to a rare language.

  • What is the legal framework for legalization of documents in Republic of Bulgaria?Open or Close

    For more details, please, visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tariff No. 3 on fees collected for consular services in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Stamp Duty Act (approved by Council of Ministers Decree No. 49 of April 04, 2000, promulgated in State Gazette, issue 30 of April 11, 2000, effective since April 11, 2000, as amended and supplemented, issue No. 52 of June 27, 2000, effective since June 27, 2000)

  • What is the procedure for document legalization?Open or Close

    The procedure for legalization of documents refers to certifications in various Bulgarian institutions and depends on the type of document in translation. Unfortunately, each document requires a specific legalization and cannot be described in detail here. If you have a particular case, you are welcome to contact us and you will be fully informed about the duration and cost of legalization of your document.

  • What is the difference between simultaneous and consecutive interpretation?Open or Close

    These are different types of interpretation that apply in the event of accompaniment, business negotiations, conferences, etc. Simultaneous translation is used at events such as multilingual conferences, symposia, congresses, presentations, workshops, press conferences, TV and radio broadcasts in real time, etc., which is speech interpreted simultaneously with the lecturer in a specially equipped booth. Normally, this interpretation is done by two interpreters and the lecturer does not wait for the interpreter’s speech. Consecutive translation is used mainly in accompaniment and business negotiations, meetings, round tables, certain types of short presentations and workshops, press conferences, over-the-phone calls, etc., which means any interpretation that follows the speech being interpreted. This interpretation is done by on interpreter and the interpreter waits for the lecturer.

  • When do you need document legalization?Open or Close

    You need legalization of documents when during your stay, immigration, work or study abroad you must certify various personal circumstances and details in front of foreign authorities. Legalization of documents is necessary whenever you want to equalize in Bulgaria a document of educational qualifications acquired abroad, to certify before the Bulgarian authorities a marriage abroad, childbirth, divorce, or a variety of circumstances that occurred abroad.

  • Is it possible to deliver translated and legalized documents abroad?Open or Close

    Yes! It is enough to leave us your mailing address abroad and we will send them quickly and efficiently. The postage fee will be calculated in the total cost of translation and legalization.

  • What are you required to do in translation and legalization of documents?Open or Close

    In translation of documents, it necessary to provide expanded meaning of all acronyms and abbreviations, which might hinder the translator’s work and to provide transcription of your full name as per your passport. You should have procured in advance all initial requisites for legalization of documents.

  • What is the difference between public and private documents?Open or Close

    Public documents are issued by ministries, agencies, municipal administration, public notaries. Private documents are issued by individuals and legal entities.

  • What is a legalised document and what is legalization?Open or Close

    Documents issued by the Bulgarian institutions are valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, but not abroad. The reason to legalize documents is to legalize them on the territory of the country where they will be served. Over the years, the governments of the Republic of Bulgaria have concluded agreements on legal assistance with some countries, thus considerably easing the procedure for recognition of documents. Bulgaria has ratified the Hague Convention - another simplified procedure for legalization of documents. Legalization of documents, depending on their type, may require intermediate certifications at different institutions, agencies or ministries, but the last endorsement must be laid down by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country issuing the document. If the country is not signatory to the Hague Convention, following the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ endorsement the document is certified at the consulate of the country where it will be served, or the consulate of the country acting for certification on behalf of the target country.

  • Why is it necessary to legalize documents for EU Member States since Bulgaria is an EU member?Open or Close

    The EU is constituted for the purpose of free movement of people, goods and capital, but not of documents. They must be translated, verified and legalized. Documents that do not need legalization are commercial documents (contracts, invoices, bills of lading, CMR, etc.), but there are exceptions to this rule that apply mainly to countries that are not signatories to the Hague Convention or a party to a legal assistance treaty.

  • How to calculate the number of pages of target translation?Open or Close

    The number of pages of target translation is calculated electronically using the menu Tool, Word count or the menu Review, Word count, depending on the Microsoft Word version. According to the Bulgarian state standard, one translated page consists of 1800 characters with spaces*. The total number of characters with spaces is divided into 1800, thus producing the actual number of pages in translation.

    * For certain languages ​​(such as Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew) the target pages are based on different characters. Please, make a reference call to an assistant at Translation Agency Jezabel or send us a request.

  • How is the cost of translation formed?Open or Close

    The cost of translation is determined by the language, terminology and execution time. For more information, visit the section Prices.

  • How is the price of legalization formed?Open or Close

    The price for legalization is determined by the type of document. It is a benchmark for the number of certificates and various state duties to be paid. For more information, visit the section Prices and Legalization.

  • How can you send us documents from the country and what is the method of payment?Open or Close

    You can send us documents by post or courier, by writing down the exact address, and payment can be made via bank transfer or in cash. You can receive your ready documents back by post, courier or in person at any of our offices.

  • How long does it take for translation and legalization of diplomas or other documents issued by educational institutions?Open or Close

    Diplomas, academic references, certificates, assurances and any other documents issued by educational institutions are legalized within 8-9 days under quick legalization service and within two weeks approximately under general legalization service.

  • Are there any special requirements to certify a judgment issued by a Bulgarian court?Open or Close

    The judgment must be formed in a version for legalization bearing handwritten signatures and seals of the judge or the chairperson of the relevant court or bearing handwritten signatures and names of the court clerk.

  • Are there any special requirements to certify documents issued by municipalities?Open or Close

    Certificates/birth certificates, certificates/acts of civil marriage should be duplicate copies, bearing the rectangular seal of the municipality issuing them, and all other documents must be originals bearing the municipality rectangular seal issuing them. 

  • What is an Apostille and when do you need it?Open or Close

    According to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, a specific category of documents required for use abroad shall be certified by a special certification. The certification is provided for in Article 3, paragraph 1 of the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents signed at The Hague on October 5, 1961, ratified by the Republic of Bulgaria by a law adopted by the XXXVIII National Assembly on May 25, 2000 (promulgated in State Gazette, issue 47 of 2000), effective since April 30, 2001. Translated from French, apostille means a certificate, but it is commonly known as an apostille. It is often that public documents of any kind should be used abroad for different purposes. To this end, their authenticity must be verified, namely by legalization consisting of a series of individual certifications. The process of legalization includes institutions of the state issuing the relevant documents, as well as embassies or consulates of the countries where they will be served. Apostille certifies only the origin of the public document to which it relates, authenticates the signature or the seal of the person or authority who/which has signed or stamped the public document and the capacity in which it has acted in doing so. Apostille does not certify the content of the public document to which it refers. It is worth noting that in obtaining certification by Apostille the document does not need any further certifications and legalization neither by other authorities in the country of issue or by consular or diplomatic representations of the country that has also ratified the Convention on whose territory the document shall be served.

  • Do I need additional certification once I obtain Apostille for a country that is party to the Hague Convention?Open or Close

    Apostille issued by the relevant competent authority is the only formality required to verify the origin and authenticity of a public document. It cannot impose any additional requirements in order to verify the authenticity of a public document origin.

  • What is the nature of and are e-Apostille and electronic registers of the Apostille valid?Open or Close

    The Convention allows the competent authorities to issue an Apostille in electronic form (e-Apostille) and keep electronic registers of Apostille (e-registers). A number of competent authorities have created and implemented e-Apostille and electronic registers as proposed by the Permanent Bureau (Secretariat) of the Hague Conference under a pilot programme for electronic Apostille (e-APP).

  • How much does "Green Card" lottery cost?Open or Close

    It requires no fees. Participation in the annual Green Card lottery is free. Through Jezabel, you pay for services of application form submission, checking the information, correctly filling out the form and sending it on time to the correct address. Jezabel’s task is to ensure that your application will be included in the lottery and not be disqualified.